Posted January 13, 2025
By Byron King
The Physics of Trump: Here’s What It Means to You
Donald Trump is inbound. The countdown is: T-Minus 7 Days.
And Trump works fast if you haven’t noticed. Indeed, Trump’s former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, once quipped, "There’s normal time, and then there’s Trump-time.” Another way to say it is that there’s a particular physics to Trump. Maybe not exactly Isaac Newton's physics, but a Trump spin on how to get things done.
Physics is the branch of science that studies the nature and properties of matter and energy. If you compare it to politics, Trump has upended many rules of how things happen in the U.S. and even the broader world. (Hello, Greenland?)
Indeed, Trump operates uniquely, with what we might call the “Laws of Trump,” so to speak. Trump definitely pushes against boundaries and envelopes. This brings us back to Navarro’s concept of Trump-time and what it means to you and us all. Things are about to change, and they’ll change fast in many areas. Be prepared.
Fast and Furious Executive Orders on Energy
Trump’s team has already revealed they have over 100 executive orders lined up for the presidential pen in the first few days of Term Two. Many of these will reverse executive orders and policies from the soon-to-be-history Biden days. That makes sense, of course, because undoing Biden’s nation-wrecking policies was the core point of the 2024 election.
However, Biden’s regime will not leave the White House without a fight. Biden’s people will not go away without waging a scorched-earth effort along their retreat routes to sinecures at law firms, consultancies, universities, and K-Street lobbying firms.
From opening even wider borders to last-minute funding and arming Ukraine, Biden and his people have laid—and are likely to continue laying—political minefields in every nook and cranny. The idea is to make life miserable for the incoming administration, roadblock Trump, and “Trump-proof” the federal government.
One example of raw, visceral politics at work came over the New Year holiday. With the stroke of a pen, the elderly, mostly out-of-touch guy who is still president signed a paper that banned oil and gas drilling and development in almost all federal offshore waters. There was no lead-up, debate, Congressional hearings, or expert testimony. Just poof! Sign the document.
No doubt, a cabal of hard-core environmental activists within the regime wanted this sweeping, economy-distorting, literally last-minute action, all in the name of fighting so-called “climate change.”
Trump’s terse response to the offshore drilling ban was, “I’m going to un-ban it.” But that’s easier said than done because Trump will now, no doubt, encounter lengthy legal challenges that tie everything up for months, if not years, in courtrooms across the land.
Still, with Trump in office, we can foresee better days for the offshore energy industry and overall energy production in the U.S.
Trump has told the world exactly where he’s coming from: “I will sign Day One orders to end all Biden restrictions on energy production, terminate his insane electric vehicle mandate, cancel his natural gas export ban, reopen ANWR in Alaska—the biggest site, potentially anywhere in the world—and declare a national energy emergency.”
Okay… If you follow energy, invest accordingly. Offshore. LNG. Oil companies.
Donald the Deporter Secures the Border
It’s not just energy where the Physics of Trump will make major, rapid changes. According to the Associated Press, a “shock and awe” wave of Trump orders will soon hit on myriads of other topics, especially border security and deportations.
To help visualize things, here’s the cover of a recent issue of Britain’s notoriously anti-Trump Economist magazine, attempting to take a very complex topic and embody it in a wry image.
“Donald the Deporter,” Economist magazine, Jan. 11 – 17th, 2025 issue.
Ha-ha, very funny. Those Economist editors can be so cute when they try.
But border security was among the top-shelf, hot-button issues of the 2024 election. Much of the public is fed up with the Biden administration's wide-open-border policies and the outright ridiculous, preposterous claims by Biden and his political entourage that “the border is secure.”
No, the border is not secure, and we have death certificates, police reports, and a trillion dollars of past, present, and future federal, state, and local spending impact to justify the argument.
Thus, come Jan. 20, expect the once and future president to sign some important papers and Bam! The walk-in days are over. Sure, we’ll still have a “big, beautiful door” for legal migration, but the restricted fence lines will now become no-go areas.
No more mass crowds of undocumented humanity wading across rivers or jumping the walls, then boarding waiting buses for a government-paid trip to some unprepared, inland city. No more scheduling a port-of-entry reception on a Homeland Security app and receiving a no-cost airline ticket from a foreign venue to Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, etc.
Ideally, under Trump’s new executive orders, federal funding will cease to the so-called “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs), those grifting, subversive entities that have, over many years, sponsored literal armies of migrants to the U.S. This includes NGO operators that burn U.S. taxpayer cash to round people up in refugee camps across the world, fly them to Canada or South or Central America, and then set them loose on the dangerous trek to el Norte.
Indeed, there’s a multi-billion-dollar human-trafficking industry that transports people across continents and oceans, all to the end of dumping them off on pathways to the U.S. border, where another vast apparatus – those nefarious NGOs and, under Biden, the U.S. government itself – relocates them to a city, town or neighborhood near you.
This entire program of migrant movement is much more than sentimental drivel about “Give me your tired, your poor,” let alone that Trumpian quip about, “They’re eating our cats and dogs,” made famous by the man himself on the campaign trail.
If you’re still wondering about that pet-eating issue, c’mon, man. That was Trump’s signature, pithy way to get people’s attention and break through the media wall of silence on a demographic matter that has altered the fundamental fabric of American society.
Yes, illegal migration into the U.S. has long been a problem, certainly pre-Biden. But under the regime of Scranton Joe, it rapidly transformed into a multi-hundred-billion-dollar per year program consisting of nearly innumerable elements. Open borders concern people, of course, but also drugs, weapons, other contraband, and undoubtedly national security, considering the numbers of known bad guys (aka “terrorists”) that have snuck in and about which we even know.
Illegal entry, coupled with Biden’s open-ended resettlement policies, has become a massive drain on the U.S. economy every year. Consider the immediate expense of processing millions of walk-ins, relocating, housing, feeding, and offering access to all social services. Then, add the multi-year burden that these individuals place on taxpayers everywhere.
The takeaway is that closing Biden’s open border will immediately affect the economy. We’ll see up-front economic distortions in the walk-in process and more in the welfare state's back end. Ideally, it will save lots of public and private money, freeing up resources for higher and better uses.
Who and How to Deport?
Let’s drill deeper into another of Trump’s policies, namely deportations, because those efforts WILL affect the economy in many ways. But first, let’s think about how many undocumented migrants are inside the U.S.
And no… we’re not talking about legal migrants, including H1B visa holders; that makes for another discussion entirely.
If I say so myself, the question of “how many illegal migrants” is worth asking because nobody really knows the answer. There’s not even a decent, rough estimate of undocumented people in the country. In and of itself, that’s a gross display of federal incompetence (shocking, I know!), if not the characteristic passive aggressiveness of a government that doesn’t much like its own citizens.
If you follow illegal immigration issues, you’ll hear numbers like 15 million, 20 million, 25 million, or even 40 million. In this respect, we have entire “nations” of migrants within the U.S. doing whatever they’re doing, but definitely costing citizens and taxpayers significant amounts of money. And Trump campaigned with the promise to run an aggressive program to remove at least some of these people.
Before we get into Trump’s looming removal program, though, it’s worth asking if you – yes, you, dear reader – have crossed the U.S. border lately? Have you entered the U.S. via airplane, vehicle, or ship?
When you think about it, the government knows who you are long before you walk onto the plane in London, Munich, Melbourne, Mexico City, Tokyo, etc.. On both ends of travel, the border controllers have your passport information and all your identifying data down to facial recognition.
On a personal level, I recently re-entered the U.S. at Newark, New Jersey via an international flight, and my passport sent a radio signal (called RFID) to the Border Agent’s terminal, such that the system processed my data, and he near immediately said, “Okay, Byron. Come on through. Welcome home.”
My goodness, how customer-friendly! It’s nice to know that Big Brother is okay with me.
Well, absolutely, that level of knowledge and scrutiny is not the case for whatever the number is of undocumented others here in the U.S. – 15, 20, 25, 40 million; whatever. They’re here contra U.S. immigration law. They’re doing whatever they’re doing. And deporting even a tiny fraction of that number will be quite a law enforcement effort if not a spectacle.
Trump has stated that the first deportations will be what he calls “low-hanging fruit.” That is, people with adjudicated deportation orders on the books who have remained in the country. Okay, get ‘em out and make it quick.
Plus, Trump wants to evict masses of undocumented humanity who are, as the saying goes, “justice-involved” individuals. In other words, these folks were arrested and charged with crimes, yet they’re still here. Per Trump, they’re going away.
Looking ahead just through 2025, several million undocumented migrants might see the door under just existing deportation orders and the newly invigorated criminal removal process. That alone will require significant government and private resources, ranging from federal, state, and local law enforcement to judicial resources and much else in the way of logistics, such as housing, transportation, and all manner of personal and economic disruption.
It stands to reason that companies that supply housing, food and other logistics, as well as cheap airline seats, will do well.
There’s another angle to this, though, because many illegal migrants in the U.S. are working, employed, earning wages, and located pretty much everywhere. No, they’re not airline pilots or nuclear scientists at national labs. And more than likely, you don’t encounter them in your daily affairs. But they’re out there; they work in industries that harvest and prepare food, cook meals and wash dishes in restaurants, make beds in motels, hang sheetrock on construction sites, and much else.
Have you walked through a supermarket lately? An undocumented migrant probably played some role in harvesting or preparing most of the produce and meat on the shelves.
For example, consider the New England restaurant chain Tatte, which recently laid off 60 workers because the IRS flagged their paperwork as questionable. This kind of workplace turnover is already occurring and will occur even more often as the looming Trump orders kick in.
At a much larger scale, ask yourself who will perform much of the backbreaking labor in Los Angeles, picking through and cleaning up the rubble after the current fires. Knowing Trump, he may make an exception for undocumented laborers (who will have to sign up and become documented, of course) to participate because he understands the scope of the disaster.
All this and more as Trump Term Two unfolds. It’ll be Trump-Time and Trump Physics in action. Strap in and prepare for the ride.
Thank you for subscribing and reading. Best wishes…

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