• About
  • Editor

Hi, I’m Sean Ring… and my goal here is pretty simple.

I want you to wake up every business day, have a cup of coffee, read my latest article and enjoy a cleansing cathartic belly laugh as you read my take on what’s going on in finance.

It’s not all fun and games, though. Yes, we’ll mock the idiocy that’s currently consuming the markets… the bad decisions being made by the Federal Reserve and other central banks… and the ludicrous greed taking place inside Wall Street banks.

But above all, we need to regain control of our perspective, which will enable us to make good decisions when it comes to our investments.

So I’ll discuss charts and macroeconomics… gold and silver… stocks and startups… news and policy decisions — parsing them all out so you can see where they fit in the big picture.

It’s your chance to start each day with a smile as well as insights you can use to conquer the world.