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Posted October 22, 2024

Sean Ring

By Sean Ring

The Donald McDonald’s

One of my old girlfriends from my banking days in New York City worked at a McDonald’s while she was in high school. My best friend from graduate school also worked at McDonald’s, and I think one of my best friends from high school worked there for a summer.

All three have hugely successful careers and happy lives now.

I never thought people who worked at Mickey D’s to earn their spending money were losers. I worked for a moving company all my summers in college. The work was physically demanding, but the pay for someone in their late teens was out of this world.

I only wish I started working sooner so I understood the value of a dollar earlier.

These days, you can learn a craft by watching on your laptop. Soon after, you can open a Shopify store and make good money. But not everyone’s ready for that. Some people just want to work for someone else, doing a job to pay their bills. And that’s ok, too.

I thought about this because the left showed their true colors when The Donald went to McDonald’s for a day.

Cellophane Elitists

Thin and transparent, these people poopoo hardworking Americans because of the way they earn money. It’s absurd. In the same way one shouldn’t criticize garbagemen (try living without them for a week… or move to New York City), fast food workers, what’s left of them, provide an essential service. They serve food.

Oh, the food is subpar, you say? Read this excellent piece by my Daily Reckoning colleague Jeffrey Tucker from 2014. I’ll quote you a few lines (bolds mine).

It thrills me when McDonald’s burgers get the attention they deserve. This happened last year when Stephen Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics, made the provocative statement that the McDouble is the cheapest and most nutritious food in human history.

That we dare to recoil at such a claim indicates how spoiled we truly are. In a state of nature, getting food is the single greatest challenge. You can find shelter and it endures for a time. Clothing made of animal skins can be scarce, but once acquired, it lasts, too.

The thing about food is that you have to get it every day. And without tools, you can only eat things that are stationary or very slow-moving. Once you learn to kill, preserving the meat is not easy, which is why salt has been one of the most valuable commodities in the history of humanity.

That most everyone has access to food now is one of the great triumphs of history. As Dubner points out, the McDouble provides 390 calories and 23 grams of protein divided between meat and cheese. All told, one hamburger provides a half day of all the stuff we need to sustain human life, and all for a bit more than a buck.

No one loves farmer’s markets more than I do, but they’re expensive. Not everyone can afford them. McDonald’s and places like it provide a great alternative.

Of course, the left isn’t the party of the working people anymore. Instead, they represent the cosmopolitan coastal elitists.

Check this out:


To be sure, this condescending prick was skewered in the comments. And yes, he tried to back away from saying it was humiliating to work at McDonald’s, but it was too late.

Perhaps Palmer should’ve worked at McDonald’s, as he asked for donations to cover his operational expenses.


Don’t these people get irony? Does self-awareness not exist? To quote my favorite politician, “Sad!”

Why Working These Jobs Helps Build Careers

There are many reasons why working in a food and beverage business benefits a worker’s long-term ambitions.

Fast food jobs require employees to show up on time, complete tasks efficiently, and meet specific standards. This helps develop a strong work ethic.

Balancing shifts with school or other activities teaches young workers how to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively.

McDonald's employees must work closely with coworkers to keep the kitchen running smoothly and ensure that orders are prepared and served efficiently. This instills a sense of teamwork.

Interacting with customers, especially in challenging situations, teaches patience, communication, and problem-solving skills. Learning to deal with “Karens” or resolve complaints builds emotional resilience and excellent customer service skills. Even if you’re a CEO, you have people to answer to: your shareholders.

Employees often have to switch roles, handle unexpected rushes, or deal with broken equipment, teaching them to adapt and remain calm under pressure.

Accuracy is crucial in preparing orders and handling money, which helps develop focus and attention to detail. A slight mistake can lead to customer dissatisfaction, so precision is vital. Even as a futures broker, I always repeated my orders back to my hedge fund clients.

Young people learn to follow managers' directions and work within a team structure. Those who advance to supervisory roles may also gain leadership experience.

Managing personal finances becomes relevant as they earn and budget their income. Some may also learn basic cash handling and business operations from their job responsibilities.

The work can be repetitive and demanding, but sticking with the job teaches the value of perseverance and commitment.

Handling multiple orders, customers, and kitchen duties simultaneously trains young workers to multitask efficiently, a valuable skill in many fields.

A Stunt? So What?

Of course, it was a publicity stunt! So what?

It is fanciful enough that a billionaire would put on an apron, stand in front of a fryer, and serve people through a drive-in window.

But the optics worked incredibly well.

“He did what I did, and now he knows,” is all a former fast food worker would say to himself.

That Trump has liberal panties in a bunch is just gravy.

Wrap Up

The Donald shows his everyman side while the left disgraces itself once again.

I’m glad DJT got schooled in the culinary art of fast food. I’m also happy for people who worked those jobs to feel some pride.

So what if it was a stunt? 

Let them sneer.

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