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Posted October 17, 2024

Seriously, Is Anyone Still Voting For Kamala?

Listening to the rubbish coming from Kamala Harris’s mouth bruises my brain.

And that’s when she has friendly, softball interviews.

But when this former prosecutor goes toe-to-toe with a Fox News reporter, it’s positively painful to watch.

To use a bit of 90s slang, she’s got no game.

A 60 Minutes-style edit wouldn’t fix the mess she made of herself with Bret Baier on Fox News. Her people should’ve kept her away. Luckily, they only agreed to a thirty-minute slot. If this had gone on for longer, people’s ears would’ve bled.

This performance begs the question: Is anyone still considering voting for her?

But first, let’s explore the pre-interview kerfuffle with Barack Obama.

Barack Blows It With Black Men

Someone needs to remind Barack Obama that his mother was white, and everyone knows it, especially the African-American population of America. Sure, Black Americans were thrilled in 2008 when he was elected. They were happy in 2012, as well, for his re-election, as Obama took most of the Black vote.

But it’s clear they will not be condescended to by the former president, and I give them a standing ovation.

Here’s what Obama had to say about the Black turnout for Kamala (bolds mine):

We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running. Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.

You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses. I’ve got a problem with that.

Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that.

When we get in trouble, and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting.

Can you imagine what Martin Luther King, Jr. would say if he heard this garbage?

The backlash was swift and decisive against the former president, who said this without a hint of irony, knowing Harris picked a White man as her running mate.

And then another Harvard grad had to jump in.

Joy Reid Calls Black Men Who Vote Trump “Fascist”

This is what the Harvard grad had to say (bolds mine):

Have you noticed how sharply the polls have shifted in Trump’s favor over these last couple of weeks? With these claims that Trump is surging with Black and Latino voters and leading in every single swing state according to secret internal polls despite all the Hitler talk? Yes. This race will be far too close. Because unfortunately, we do have a fascist groundswell in parts of this country, mainly among white men, let’s be clear, but in small pockets among Black and brown men, too. This happens to be a global phenomenon as women become more economically independent and seek positions of power.

Does anyone in the Ivy League actually know what a “fascist” is?

It’s worth noting that Trump is currently polling only at 25% with Black men.

Now, let’s get to the meat and taters.

The Interview

Hang onto your hat for this section.

On Change

The elephant in the room is that Kamala’s been Veep for 3½ years now.  Why on earth is she calling for change?  It’s admitting she’s part of the problem.  But I don’t think she realizes that.

Baier asked her why 79% of Americans think the country’s on the wrong track.  He said, "That track follows three-and-a-half years of you being vice president and President Biden being president. That is what they're saying. 79 percent of them. If you're turning the page - you're been in office for three-and-a-half years..."

She replied, “And Donald Trump has been running for office…”

What on earth was she talking about?  Your guess is as good as mine.

On Trump Attacking the American People

Kamala then accused Trump of talking about “the enemy within” and saying he’d turn the military on the American people.

Baier had the temerity to run a clip of Trump denying the ridiculous charge.

In the clip, Trump said, “I’ve been investigated more than Alphonse Capone,” to the laughter of all.

After the clip ran, Kamala jumped in, saying, “Bret, with all due respect, that clip is not what he’s been saying.”

Watch the inane clip here.

Then Why Are So Many Voting For Trump?

This bit was hilarious. Baier asked Harris, if Trump was so bad, why is the race a dead heat?  Are the American People misguided?  Are they stupid?

All Kamala could come up with was, “This isn’t supposed to be easy.”  “I would never say that about the American people.”

Wrap Up

It’s worth noting that Baier is a Never Trumper.  He probably hoped Harris would do better.

But it was evident from the start that she couldn’t string a sentence together without a teleprompter.

Kamala could’ve made hay with her Fox interview, but she only made a bunch of word salads.

After this mess, which her staff was desperate to end, according to Baier, Trump will likely start to pull ahead and away from her in the polls.

All I can say is, vote like your civilization depends on it… because it does.

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