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Posted July 22, 2024

Sean Ring

By Sean Ring

Harris/Obama 2024?

Oh, the cruelty of it all! I’m not sure how Joke Biden reacted when they woke him up from his Sunday nap and told him, but it must have gone down as the worst National Ice Cream Day of his life.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama got together and engineered a coup, usurping Democratic voters’ rights to pick their candidate. (They should've known better after Bernie Sanders got the shoulder tap twice.)

The Party Gerontocracy knew Trump would thump the Old Joke come November, so they “asked” him to step aside, simultaneously alerting him that the campaign coffers could only pass to Kamala.

If not, the Hildebeast might ride in and demand an open convention. Biden acquiesced to protect the interests of Obama, Biden himself, and the party coffers. Once the play was called, Bill and Hillary did their part and endorsed the Kackling One. But Obama didn’t. Hmmm…

But let’s first go back to last Thursday and Trump’s acceptance speech. Then, we’ll go from there.

Trump In

While I may not agree with J.D. Vance’s vaccine stance and his eagerness for war with Iran, I do admire Trump's strategic thinking. His choice of a candidate for the big job, who is far more right-leaning than he is, is a bold move. This pick is like an insurance policy against assassination, provided Trump can make it to his inauguration without the Secret Service/FBI/CIA/NSA turning his head into a donut.

Trump’s acceptance speech was serviceable, but how could he top Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off and screaming, “Let Trumpmania run wild, brother!” Every middle-aged man in the country morphed back into his 12-year-old self and body-slammed his son. 

But what cemented Trump as the Once and Future President was his rally this weekend in Michigan. Not only is Trump campaigning as if nothing could harm his physical person, but he came up with the zinger of all zingers:

They keep saying, “He's a threat to democracy!” I'm saying, “What the hell did I do for democracy?” Last week, I took a bullet for democracy.

I’m convinced that one line will move many fence-sitting independents and sane Democrats into Trump’s camp. Sometimes, we just need someone to say the perfect line for our illusions to disappear. This line made the “fascist tyrant” narrative evaporate.

But things haven’t gone well for our current and soon-to-be former Commander-In-Chief.

Biden Out

If I said it once, I’ve said it 1,000 times: I thought Senator Joe Biden was an idiot in 1990. I’m utterly embarrassed for anyone who voted for him. I’m equally overjoyed they’ve now got to eat crow.

But setting aside his tremendous facility for gaffes, his actions have been far worse. Since Day One, he…

  • Canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • Left $85 billion in military equipment on the ground in Afghanistan during a disastrous pullout.
  • Opened the fiscal spigot and pushed price inflation into the double digits.
  • Backed a war in Ukraine no American cares about.
  • Neutered his European allies with expensive natural gas and an impotent NATO.
  • Left the Southern Border wide open to over 11 million unvetted entrants.
  • He politicized his Department of Justice and his military, which can no longer recruit qualified candidates.

I’m sure this isn’t an exhaustive list.

The only thing his gaffes exposed is his vacuous thinking process. When one looks deeply into Joke Biden’s eyes, one sees the back of his head. The problem only worsened with his advanced age, but it was always there.

And that’s why the Party Elders tapped his shoulder. They knew he couldn’t win, and they didn't give a rat’s arse about democracy. (Always accuse your enemies of what you’re doing, right, Goebbels?)

Biden had to win on the issues, which he couldn’t. His cognitive decline only exacerbated his problems. That’s what happens when you don’t believe in anything and shouldn’t have sat behind the Resolute Desk to begin with.

Future historians will treat this period in American history with absolute disdain.

After all, if Biden isn’t mentally fit to run as a candidate, how can he be mentally fit to carry out his present duties?

And that means all eyes are focused on Kacklin’ Kamala.

Harris Up

The nation’s first DEI Veep has embarrassed herself since Day One. Her inappropriate laughing, empty-headed policies, and inability to get anything done have made her the lowest-regarded Vice President in American history. Dan Quayle, Spiro Agnew, and Aaron Burr are thankful.

Thanks to the way the money rules work, Biden couldn’t endorse anyone but Harris.

It’s also probable that accusations of racism would’ve been thrown around like tennis balls had Kamala been passed over.

If the Democrats pick Kamala at their convention, I don’t think she has a chance against The Donald. But they do get two things in return: they don’t waste a more serviceable candidate against a man they can’t beat, and they don’t have to put her in the Oval Office to replace Biden. Surely she’d screw up something between now and January.

But…what if she picks Barack Obama as her running mate? Technically, that doesn’t violate the 22nd Amendment, though it may in spirit. That may be the Democrats’ only chance, albeit a slim one.

Wrap Up

Right now, gold is just hanging onto its $2,400 support level. Does this mean the markets assume peace will reign if Trump is elected?

We need to get past the Democratic National Convention first. Just because Hillary, Bill, and Biden have endorsed Kamala doesn’t mean they won’t stab her in the back the first time they see trouble (which should be soon).

Funnily enough, Obama did NOT endorse Kamala. He’s on maneuvers, it seems.

Kamala doesn’t have the intellect, principles, or track record to beat Trump. And Trump will eat her alive in debates. If you doubt that, just look at what Tulsi Gabbard did to her in the Democratic primaries four years ago.

At best, Kamala will keep the rabidly blue states blue. At worst, Trump will flip New York, New Jersey, and California—Kamala’s home state, where she came in third in the Democratic primaries four years ago and forced her to drop out—and turn this race into a Reagan-Mondale car crash.

This is shaping up as the most interesting political sideshow in ages.

Have a great week ahead!

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