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Posted November 04, 2024

Sean Ring

By Sean Ring

Five Reasons They’ll Vote For Kamala

No, I haven’t flipped my wig, not that I wear one. But I thought it’d be an interesting thought experiment to examine why people would pull the lever for Kamala.

I will re-run the same experiment for The Donald tomorrow. Fair’s fair.

I’ve got to tell you: it was tough to come up with five things. That is, until I started thinking like the other team. Man, the only time I want to be that delusional again is when I drink too much booze.

What frightens me most is that Kamala has more than a sporting chance to win. If you take the below seriously, you’ll see why.

Here are the top five reasons “they” will vote for Kamala.

They Want Abortion Legal Nationwide.

When SCOTUS threw Roe v Wade back to the states, where most legal scholars agree it belongs, most women took this as “abortion is now illegal.”

You can’t win an argument with women with a higher body count than Genghis Khan. They won’t be satisfied until they can kill a fetus up until the moment of birth in a state they don’t live in. You know, just in case. It’s their “freedom.”

Heck, CBS wheeled out Stevie Nicks, who decried the lack of “freedom” women have today than she had when she aborted her baby with Don Henley. Funnily enough, CBS didn’t ask Henley to comment.

Of course, the claims that men have more freedom with unlimited abortion are fatuous. Abortion doesn’t free men; abortion infantilizes them by removing them from the decision-making process.

They’re Happy Deep State Takes Care of Things.

I can’t believe it, myself. But some people are delighted with the imperfect technocracy ruling them.

We make fun of middle managers everywhere, but government middle managers are fine for some reason.

In this world, you’re completely ok with the government killing your pets. RIP, Peanut!

Click here to learn more

Credit: @Not_the_Bee

Watch this clip of Bill Maher contradicting himself. It’s truly amazing. You shouldn’t be that naive at 69 years old.

First, Deep State didn’t exist, and you were a conspiracy theorist. Then it did, but it was harmless. Now, it exists, and you should hug it, according to these voters.

They Love Open Borders.

Look no further than the Was-She-Or-Wasn’t-She-Border-Czar to see Kamala’s ability to get anything done. The border was more open than the cookie jar on my kitchen counter.

But that doesn’t matter to this voter.

Since abortion is an utter demographic destroyer, we “need” more people coming in.

It doesn’t matter that we don’t know who they are. It doesn’t matter what diseases they may carry (even during a lockdown allegedly over a disease). And since it's just the border with Mexico, Mexicans are the only people coming over, right? (Wrong. Mexicans aren’t even the majority of those going over the river.)

Anyone and everyone, come on in. Our treasury has plenty of money to get you started.

They Think She’ll Soak the Rich.

Those billionaires are evil! We should tax every one of them into oblivion!

They think inheritance tax is moral. They believe companies pay corporate tax, not the individuals they pass their costs onto.

And they want to see the rich pay more income tax, if not get their assets outright confiscated.

Here’s where the math gets them.

They don’t realize that as of 2022, only 59.9% of Americans pay any income tax at all, and it ain’t the poor folk.

And with a national debt of over $35 trillion, confiscation doesn’t even help. If you took all the assets of the wealthiest 0.1% of the population, you’d get only $6.5 trillion. If you took the entire top 1%’s stuff, you’d get only $14.8 trillion.

But hey, it’ll make them feel good!

America Must Finally Have a Woman President!

This one gets me for two reasons.

The first is this: if the latest addition to the Supreme Court can’t even define what a woman is, why is it so important to have one as POTUS?

Let me remind you of what Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said during her confirmation hearing.

When Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn asked her to define what a woman is, she replied, “I can’t…I’m not a biologist.”

Heck, remember when Oprah convinced a bunch of gullible white housewives to vote for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries? Oprah cared more for her skin color than her gender, didn’t she?

The second reason is the false promise of female leadership. 

Remember how all the wars were supposed to end when women ran the show?

Well, that hasn’t happened. And when Donald Trump calls out one of the chief lady warmongers, Liz Cheney, the left goes crazy.

Cheney, along with Kamala, the EU’s von der Leyen, Germany’s Baerbock, and Estonia’s Kallas, are unrepentant warmongers. This may be because, unlike Tulsi Gabbard, they’ve never had a gun stuck in their faces.

But none of this matters. Only the President’s gender matters.

What A Harris Victory Would Mean For You

The only upside I can offer is that gold and silver will rocket immediately following a Harris victory. The markets know she’s a nightmare, and they will price in the higher risk of war and stagflation under a Harris administration.

If you’re already holding gold and silver, whether it’s coins, bullion, ETFs, or single shares of senior and junior miners, this is your hedge against the tyranny of the Deep State running the show for another four years.

Wrap Up

I wrote this not to convince you of anything, but to show you how the other side thinks.

Understanding this is important because this race isn’t over yet, and the other team will do anything to retain power.

If Trump wins this time, Davos will be over for quite a while. If Kamala wins, globalism will be the order of the next century.

Have a great week ahead!

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