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The Joy of Running Your Home Business

Posted June 30, 2022

Home brewed coffee, a seconds-long commute, and more family time are just some of the perks. The tax advantages can be numerous and meaningful. And the extraneous costs like eating out for...

Mises Was Right. Powell Is Wrong.

Posted June 29, 2022

Unsustainable profits brought upon by reckless credit expansion cause recessions. Raising interest rates just pricks the bubble further. That’s why central banks are always too late in their moves, as the Fed...

Turkey Relents; NATO Expands

Posted June 29, 2022

Sweden and Finland asked to join NATO after Russia invaded Ukraine. Turkey objected to their entry, as those countries harbor anti-Turkish groups. A deal made at the NATO meeting...

The Inability to Quantify Human Action

Posted June 28, 2022

Economists are scratching their heads, wondering how they got it so wrong. Larry Summers looks like a genius, using back of the envelope calculations. The mathematical models used in...

Russian Gold Cheap For Its Friends, Banned For Its Enemies

Posted June 27, 2022

At the behest of POTUS, the G7 banned imports of Russian gold. Since China and India arent in the G7, theyll fill their boots. With the western gold markets...

The EU’s Russia Policy is a Disaster

Posted June 24, 2022

Reduced output and runaway inflation are the new normal in Europe. Russia has already reduced gas flows and will cut off Europe before it’s ready. As a result, Europe will return to...

Buckle Up For The Ride Down

Posted June 10, 2022

Remember when they told you inflation was transitory? It seems like ages ago, and theyre hoping youll forget by the midterms. If theres no recovery before then, itll be...

Your Get Out of Jail Free Card

Posted June 09, 2022

A second passport gets you out of jail and opens up possibilities. Whether its through ancestry, marriage, or investment, getting one is worth it. Lets review the ways you...

Take The Oil But Not the Golf!

Posted June 08, 2022

The Saudi-backed LIV Golf Tour just stole Dustin Johnson from the PGA Tour. LIV Golf allegedly paid the former Number One $150 million to defect. The virtue signalers pile...

Amazon’s Stock Split and What It Means For Investors

Posted June 07, 2022

Amazon’s board approved a 20-for-1 stock split. The stock was trading at $2,447 on Friday. One Monday, AMZN closed at $124.79. Happy Tuesday from the foothills! It rained last night.  I couldn’t believe it. We’ve...

Western Governments Conduct an Inflation Clinic

Posted June 06, 2022

Inflation is a tax levied not by the government but by central banks. If they cant tax you to get what they want, theyll take it from you by...

Fat Fingers and Operational Risk

Posted June 03, 2022

Citi trader loses bank $50 million. Even adjusted for inflation, I never had an error that enormous. Its dangerous to trade large orders during the early European hours.Happy Friday!Were...

Dimon’s Hands Aren’t Diamond Hands

Posted June 02, 2022

The SPX and Nazzie lose more ground on Wednesday. Fed policymakers stress they’re not here to support the stock markets. Bitcoin dips under $30,000 again, revealing chart instability. It’s Thursday morning on Republic...

Monthly Asset Class Report

Posted June 01, 2022

Commodities were up again, to no ones surprise. The SPX was pancake-flat, but the Nasdaq took another cross to the face. Despite the inflation story, the real estate chart...