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Different Ways to Get That Second Passport

Posted June 30, 2021

Is it the end of June already?My goodness, weve arrived at the 2021 halfway point much faster than I thought we would. On the other hand, maybe Im just getting...

A Little More on Second Passports

Posted June 29, 2021

Super Tuesday it is.The mailbag was full when I checked this morning and Ive already responded to everyone. Thanks for that!Im a huge fan of iteration, which means if I...

Passports: I’ll Take Two!

Posted June 27, 2021

It’s Monday, again! I’m off to Manila today to get fingerprinted for my Italian passport.  Since this is such an important and sensitive topic, I’ll talk about it from my point...

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 99 Bottles of Beer…

Posted June 25, 2021

Happy Friday! We’re here.  Only a wee bit to go, before we crack open a few cold ones and drink to our victories this week. I’m off to Manila on Monday for...

Quick!  Buy Your F-15 Before It’s Too Late!

Posted June 24, 2021

It’s Thursday - nearly there! Watching the Biden Administration function (their word, not mine) from the Philippines is like witnessing an 18-car pileup in slow motion that I can do nothing...

Incentives Matter

Posted June 23, 2021

Its Hump Day already!I didnt realize this past Sunday was the first day of summer. But, of course, as its sunny and hot here year-round, I lose track of these...

New Rally or Just a Bounce?

Posted June 22, 2021

Good morning on this lovely Tuesday!The markets were overwhelmingly positive yesterday, which puzzled me. They were down hard on Friday, and I expected a follow through. Not even close.Lets have...

Crazy Ivan: Time to Look Behind Us

Posted June 21, 2021

Good traders always ask this question: whats the worst thing that can happen? Lets do the financial equivalent of a Crazy Ivan. Some moves lately, including Jay Powells utterances,...

Belgian Waffles and Trappiste Ales

Posted June 18, 2021

Happy Friday!Some of you will have noticed responses to the emails you so kindly wrote. Im sorry it took this long.I think whenever our email server saw my Philippines IP...

If Inflation is Transitory, Why is The Fed Signaling a Rate Hike in 2023?

Posted June 17, 2021

Its a beautiful Thursday morning here in Cebu.A bright, golden sun shines in the clear blue sky. Gold... lets talk about that, central banking, and rates today. Jay Powells mouth...

These Lady Builders Earned Your Admiration…. Not You, Mackenzie.

Posted June 16, 2021

Good morning! It’s Wednesday already.  Just in time for a bit of snark with your morning coffee. Mackenzie Scott (formerly Bezos) is giving away “her” fortune. The women on my list genuinely earned...

There Once Was a Boy From Watford

Posted June 15, 2021

Happy Tuesday to you!I received overwhelmingly positive feedback from yesterdays Rude on Taleb and shorting options. Thank you!But I thought Id elaborate on what can happen - though admittedly very...

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Posted June 11, 2021

Happy Friday!Youve reached the weekend and deserve a nice, cold oneBut before you indulge, Ive got a story for you.No Man Is an Island, Entire of ItselfOne day, I needed...

The Unavoidable Asset Class

Posted June 10, 2021

Happy Thursday!Nearly there, over the hump, and on the downslope to the weekend.But before we get there: coffee and crypto.The Demise of Bitcoin Has Been Greatly ExaggeratedAfter the Bitcoin Bad...

The Floor is Taxes!

Posted June 09, 2021

My friend, there are days when you wake up, and you know the world is a better place than it was the day before.Today is one of those days.ProPublica released...

How to Protect Your Purchasing Power

Posted June 08, 2021

Good morning!I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday, despite the monetary shenanigans of the Fed.Lets get to todays main idea: protecting your purchasing power.The Fed Will Almost Certainly Mistime the...

A Global Minimum Corporate Tax is Evil

Posted June 07, 2021

Happy Monday!I hope you had a fabulous weekend.Lets get straight into the macro governmental stupidity known as worldwide tax.The Opening SalvoEvery time I think, These bureaucrats cant possibly get more...

What Sanctions Accomplish

Posted June 04, 2021

Happy Friday!I hope it was a nice and easy shorter week for you.Ive got no big plans this weekend, but doing nothing suits me just fine.Lets get in one more...

Bumbling Biden Builds Back... Worse?

Posted June 03, 2021

Happy Thursday!Nearly there. The weekend is just around the corner.While youre relaxing, you may want to spend at least some of the time figuring out how to protect your income,...

Credit Ratings and Old Flames

Posted June 02, 2021

Whats the number between 5 and 7?Sex!Back in 03, I was living in London and dating a Kiwi.No, not the fruit. She, who will not be named, hailed from Dunedin,...

The Rude’s Month in Review

Posted June 01, 2021

Happy June! I hope you had a restful holiday this weekend. Here’s the monthly review I promised you.  I tried to keep the charts as simple as possible, with as few technical...

The Rude’s Guide to the Crazy New World of Acronyms

Posted June 01, 2021

Welcome to the Rude’s Guide to the New World. This is meant to help you out and make you laugh.  It’s not an exhaustive list, so feel free to write